A Site about Kerry, Karring, and Anna

Monday, April 09, 2007

Elton Baby John -- Day 970

Toddlers have poor taste in clothing, or at least they don't know how to match very well. There is no reason as to what they want and don't want. One day the apple shirt is in, the next it is unacceptable. Every day, however, pink is acceptable. Jeans are not cool -- but somehow diapers are?? Hats yes, but not with sunglasses.

But sooner or later you learn that the most useful piece of clothing is the one that is absolutely hated by the toddler unit. You can then, just like a Turkish carpet seller, strategically place this item as one of two options knowing full well that the other (i.e., desired and matching) shirt or pair of pants will surely be chosen.

Everything in a toddler home is either (A) negotiated or (B) a trick, and the tricks are usually easier.


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