A Site about Kerry, Karring, and Anna

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

We're Back (sort of) -- Day 958

Sorry for the long delay in posts. Things are just too busy, and unfortunately people probably shouldn't expect too much in the way of blog posts for some time.

What I have decided to do is more frequently post using just a picture with a short story. This will hopefully be manageable enough until things get a bit more settled. So here is the first of the mini-posts.


A couple months back in January, Aunt Susan came to visit while I made a trip to Vermont. Anyhow, everything went fine, but after Aunt Susan left, Anna kept saying for the next several weeks one phrase: "Aunt Susan brushed my teeth with butt cream." Anna then added, "It was really hard to get off." I don't know -- I have my suspicions that Aunt Susan mistakenly used butt cream instead of tooth paste. Just a hunch.

Of course no adult told me this story, but Anna spilled the beans. The days of secrets are gone. Every mistake will now be recorded by the resident toddler.

The picture is a recent one from a nearby park.


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