Baby Duck -- Day 965
While in North Dakota the last time, Grandma Rae (Gammy) bought Anna a couple of rubber ducks, one yellow and one pink. At first Gammy thought she could buy just one duck, but of course Anna wanted both a yellow and a pink duck. And as events usually go, the grandparent gave in and bought the second one with almost no hesitation. You see, the logic was rock solid: there were two different colored ducks, so Anna just had to have both colors. Who could argue with that?
Anyhow, these ducks eventually were named Mr. and Mrs. Mallard based upon a book that Anna has. In the story, two ducks look for a place to live in Boston so they can have their baby duck family. So yesterday while I was out doing some shopping, I ran across and bought a small (yellow) version of the same duck. I then told Anna that during her nap Mr. and Mrs. Mallard had a baby. So what did Anna say? "Where's the pink baby duck?" I had made the same mistake that Gammy had made and only purchased one variety of baby duck. You think I would have predicted that one, and they even had a pink version available.
Now I'll have to make a trip back to the store to pick up a pink baby duck. Anna, however, has decided that only the yellow duck has had a baby and the pink duck is still waiting for its pink baby. She also requested that I buy not one but three more baby ducks. I guess that would make a nice even four: two yellow and two pink. We'll see.
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