School Girl -- Day 826

Towards the end of the day when Anna is getting tired, she often asks for her Nya-Nya. I usually leave him in the hallway until needed. The cute thing is that Anna knows this and tells me all the time, "Nya-Nya waits in the hallway." And sometimes when I mention that her Mommy is at Russian school, Anna makes sure to point out that Mommy also takes a Nya-Nya to school and leaves it in the hallway. I'm sure she does.
The other kids in class apparently know that Anna sometimes needs her Nya-Nya lovey when she gets frustrated and will tell the teacher or parent on duty very seriously, "She needs her Nya-Nya." It's nice to have little friends watching out for you.

She was also at the Natural History Museum this last weekend, and Anna kept running around yelling out, "Ay carumba." Some more Skippyjon Spanish. Most people probably thought we were letting our 2-year-old watch The Simpsons.
The whole dinosaur thing has been helping us with Anna's eating habits. Broccoli is now popular because they are now trees, and dinosaurs eat trees. The other day, I was eating some caviar on crackers (not the expensive kind from endangered sturgeon), and Anna was really curious. I told her that it was fish eggs, and she tried it. Then she wanted it on crackers too, so I got her some small Elmo crackers. So Anna and Daddy just sat there eating black caviar on crackers for lunch, right after eating a round of dinosaur trees. That's good eatin'.

I wish more books would combine kids topics like this. Dinosaur Astronauts would also be good book too, so someone needs to start writing it.
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