A Site about Kerry, Karring, and Anna

Monday, April 10, 2006

Silent Videos - Day 606

Here is a photo again from the North Dakota trip. Anna is holding my finger and Great Grandma's walker. Anna is really into holding fingers now. She even gets sick of certain fingers and requests a 'new' finger, meaning that either we have to literally offer her a thumb, pinky or other finger or Kerry and I have to switch sides to offer her a totally different hand. Needless to say, this complicates walking a bit. It is hard enough to keep track of a little girl at times let alone managing a finger rotation to keep her happy.

Anyhow, I have uploaded a bunch of silent videos taken on my digital camera. Some are from a while back. There is one where she isn't even walking yet, which is quite unbelievable to me at this stage of Anna's life. There is also a recent one of her chasing some ducks near the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln memorial. Some are better than others, but in all of them she looks like our adorable Anna.

You can access the videos from the below link. Just click on the link, then click on the play button for the file you want to play, then click on "play video. " The videos ending in ".mov" are the newest ones, and I have given them each some sort of descriptive label. I like "chasing ducks" the best. You can just imagine how the other five minutes of Anna's unrecorded chasing went. Oh yeah, you will also need QuickTime to play the videos.



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