A Site about Kerry, Karring, and Anna

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Spring Time for Anna - Day 602

Well, this photo is spring in North Dakota. The picture was taken by Grandpa Greg when we went to see Anna's Great Grandmother, Lillian. Anna is still talking about playing the piano at Great Grandma's house.

Spring has hit DC now, and Anna is always demanding to go outside. Her normal routine is to go get a muffin in the morning (banana nut), then go to a park, and finally stroll around Capitol Hill looking for "birds houses." She is fascinated by these hanging houses where birds live.

Anna also had her first swimming lesson yesterday. We enrolled her at our local swimming pool, and Anna absolutely loved it. She was wearing her pink bikini and had too much fun. She kept on saying, "Anna splashing like a dolphin," and "maaaaaaking bubbles." The class lasts for 8 weeks, and she goes for 30 minutes every Wednesday.

We have also enrolled her in a music class at a local church. That starts in late April and will go for nine weeks. We are trying to get Anna a bit more socialized with other little ones.

I have again added a second picture in this entry. I thought after posting three the last time that I probably needed to wean some relatives off them as I go back to one-photo entries. This one is of Anna with all of her 'friends' from North Dakota. The Fisher-Price people were a big hit, and it was only after we arrived back in DC that I realized Anna had smuggled a couple of them back her in her fire truck.

It is interesting to see Anna's life through her toys. She recounts her day; re-enacts many experiences; and creates innovative little relationships. For instance, the medieval knight (to the left of Big Bird) and the postman (beneath Big Bird) end up kissing quite a bit...I guess that works nowadays. Also, with her doll house the male figure is Daddy, one of the female figures is Mommy, and the third female figure is "Other Mommy." I haven't quite figured out how that one works yet.

Anna is still talking up a storm. People at the playgrounds are amazed to learn she isn't 2-2.5 years old. Anna is also learning her colors very well. She points out the cars and is really into describing everything with colors now. I must admit that I am already cringing at the inevitable baby racial commentary that will come my way.

But the other side of her talking is her being able to boss people around. The other day we were walking down the street and Anna saw a construction worker with the door of his truck open. He was loading things up at the end of the day. Well, Anna hates open doors, so she marches over to the door and commands him to, "Close the door! Close the door!" and points at it until he closes it for her. We have taught her how to say "please" now, but it only partially takes the edge off her new skill of ordering people around.

Well, that is it for now. The Texas Grandparents are flying in tomorrow, so Anna will have entertainment galore for the next week or so. She is already expecting them and talks of Mimi and Papa arriving on Friday.


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