This picture is from a while back, but I really like it. Anna loves corn on the cob.
As for her latest development update, she has learned the construction "I like..." and "I love..." and will pull out of nowhere statements like, "I love balloons," or even "I like boogies."
Of course, she will also use her, "I love Mamma," line which has its expected effect, but then again, she already won her dad over with her alphabet. When you ask her what letters she knows she says, "A-B-C-Daddy" instead of saying "D." This has effectively stopped me from trying to teach her any more letters.
Her numbes are getting good too. She can count 1 through 3, 7 through 12, and 14. Whenever there is a gap, she uses 2, 8, and 14 as fillers.
Today she learned the phrase, "Hurry up." I was heading to Barnes and Noble to use their free children's library, and kept telling her to "hurry up" so we could read Clifford, Olivia, and all of her favorites. She now has complete command of the phrase and an extra tool with which to boss Kerry and me around. It really is difficult to keep up with what she learns every day, but I am usually astounded at least one time a day.